To Tatoo or Not to Tatoo, that is the question...
Ok, so I'd like to get a tattoo, I've picked out what it would look like:

I'd get it in a band around my calf, so it would only be visible when I wear shorts in the summer. In this way it wouldn't interfere with a professional appearance in regard to work.
These were the five "solas" of the Reformation. For me they represent five points or stakes that I've put down in my life. They are not open for debate.
I want to get some feedback (i.e. pros and cons) that you may think of... I've already asked a couple of guys what they thought and the range of responses has been from enthusiastic to tepid. My wife is all for it, in case you were curious!
My concerns in this are that:
A) I don't want to do anything that would damage Christ's name.
B) I want this to further future ministry opportunities rather than affect them detrimentally (i.e. I hope it would open more doors to share the Gospel rather than close them
C) I want it to look cool, but not to be a vain pursuit. (Just like when I choose the clothes I wear)
D) I don't want it to be a reaction toward the legalism of my childhood... (I don't think it is, but am just putting it out there)
To those who would say, "You going to ruin the beauty of your Atlas-like body..." You obviously don't know me! And how 2 Cor. 5:4 has become one of my favorite verses
For while we are in this tent, we groan and are burdened, because we do not wish to be unclothed but to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life.For while we are in this tent, we groan and are burdened, because we do not wish to be unclothed but to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life.
I just wanted you to think, what are you going to say when you get to heaven and God asks, "Son, why did you get that tatoo?" "Haven't you read my Old Testament law that forbade anyone (POSSIBLY O.T. Isrealite) to tatoo their body?" Well, I guess that's all I got.
Your loving MISSIONARY brother.
Hey, it is Stormy. Great blog by the way. I enjoy reading. About the tat... I am biased because I have two and am very seriously contemplating a third.
But my two cents... I think what you want to put on there is awesome and a statement of your faith and that you want to shout out God's name even from your arm or ankle! I love it.
My only advice is to think about it and be sure you still want it say six months down the line. I did with both of mine and have never regretted them ever.
Let me know what you decide... I am sure Helen will as well.
love stormy
I love the idea!!! Go for it!
do it.
do it.
I hear ya on the 'reaction towards legalism of childhood' - you definitely don't want to just be reactionary in your actions within the freedom of Christ - but rather choosing to be proactive. (all things are lawful, but not all things are profitable)
I appreciate your thinking it through - and I don't know if you're still contemplating the tattoo or if you decided to wait 6 months and then make a decision, but I wanted to throw my 2-cents worth into the mix. Regarding the verse in the OT about tattoos - I firmly believe that it means to not do it in memory of the dead. Just my thoughts... I have a tattoo and don't believe it hurts my testimony any - as I didn't do it in vain pursuit, but rather because it means a lot to me. It's a great conversation starter and provides an opportunity to share my testimony.
Good luck - Suzanne
- Leviticus 19:28
Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD.
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