Common Grace
Redhook's ESB - an American version of the British ESB (Extra Special / Strong Bitter).
Dogfish Head's 90 minute IPA (60 is good, too)Hefeweizen - Harpoon's Unfiltered Offering (UFO)
I write slowly when I journal on paper... so this blog has become my personal journal. I try to post things that God teaches me on a regular basis. Sometimes I'm more faithful than others to post.
Dogfish Head's 90 minute IPA (60 is good, too)Hefeweizen - Harpoon's Unfiltered Offering (UFO)
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And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Eph 4:30
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Why did Jesus die for us? What was Jesus getting out of it? Remember, he already had a community of joy, glory, and love. He didn't need us. So what benefit did he derive from this? Not a thing. And that means that when he came into the world and died on the cross to deal with our sins, he was circling and serving us. "I have given them the glory that you gave me" (John 17). He began to do with us what he had been doing with the Father and the Spirit from all eternity. He centers upon us, loving us without benefit to himself. (emphasis mine)
Tim Keller in The Reason for God
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So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. (Col. 2:6-7)
About this verse Dr. M. Lloyd-Jones says, "... if you think that you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ without realizing that He is your Lord, I would not hesitate to say that your belief is of no value. You cannot take Him as Saviour only, because He saves you by buying you with His precious blood. And if you believe that, you must know at once that He is your Lord."
How often do we forget this! The gospel commits us as those purchased to follow in our Lord's steps. We are saved from sin, but must never forget that we are saved to righteousness (Rom. 6:18). Right and holy living are our calling.
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