Common Grace
Not trying to lean toward the fringe here, but I have truly enjoyed many of God's kind graces toward me since the surgery and ongoing trials. Takes rough times to refocus perspective. I know how much I've enjoyed putting my kids to bed, getting kisses from the little guys, spending time with my wife doing seemingly meaningless stuff, feeling the new baby move in her stomach, playing cards with my friends, and - yes - even having a pint every now and again. Perhaps I'll be able to elaborate more on this another post, but... The truth IS that this post is about beer. Not having a profound beer knowledge, I can't review them in any meaningful way but to say that these all fall into different beer type categories, have a lot of good flavor, and most importantly are enjoyable.
In no particular order:
Redhook's ESB - an American version of the British ESB (Extra Special / Strong Bitter).
Clipper City's Loose Cannon
Dogfish Head's 90 minute IPA (60 is good, too)Hefeweizen - Harpoon's Unfiltered Offering (UFO)
“Lord, I don’t know where all this is going
Or how it all works out
Lead me to peace that is past understanding
A peace beyond all doubt”
That sums up most of our lives doesn’t it? At times we think we have everything under control and plan out our lives, the next years, even just today and then things change. Sometimes things are for the better, sometimes for the worse.
The thing we need to remember is Satan is in control of the world. Not as the owner, just the general manager. God is the one in complete control and because we live in a fallen world we will have times things seem out of control and we won’t understand quite why everything is happening.
We aren’t supposed to.
We just have to trust in God.
The more we trust in Him and less in ourselves is when the peace beyond understanding becomes a part of us.
God wants us to have that peace.
It’s right there.
Just like God is.
I pray today that you find and know God’s peace.
Love You Matt and Helen too! Praying for you all!
I just read your previous posts and the one that links to David Skeel's blog on Living Weak. Yes. I am ready to do that! Well spoken. Let's smell the roses and sample the beer.
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