Friday, December 11

Grace Through Others

It is amazing how the realities in life can cause us to pause. Where we turn at those times IS important. We’re told to:

  1. Cast all your anxiety on Him (1 Peter 5:7, Ps. 55:22)
  2. Carry each others burdens (Gal. 6:2) 
  3. Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn (Rom. 12:15).

Identifying with our brothers and sisters is only part of helping them. I often resist growing. I wanted to use this opportunity to show how in my weakness God has used others to help me grow. The outpouring of responses to a simple request for help was an amazing thing.

Here's God at work through a few of the notes from my dear friends... I was amazed as I read Romans 12 this morning and saw how God has designed the body to work and then compared how these emails came together in a harmony of members. Some people were bringing Scripture to bear in real, thought provoking ways; some "I'm there with you;" some identifying and exhorting; but all were members working together for edification. It was truly God at work. I close with my response to my dear friends. Realize that this is all to show my true weakness and God's true greatness at work... 



Wanted to request your prayers in a specific way and especially during the next few weeks. As I approach my quarterly scan and MRI, I've internally noticed tension mounting.  We've noticed that my large seizures have "tended" to occur at two to three month cycles and Helen, I, and the Dr.'s feel that stress associated with the MRI may have a part to play in this. Even though I've always been fairly mild in temperament, I've noticed that inside I'm carrying a lot of tension. I can't seem to let it go. I would appreciate prayer in casting my cares... Any Scriptures or thoughts that the Spirit brings to mind would be appreciated.


One Scripture that comes to mind is Rom. 5:1-2 Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.  Through Him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand, and we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.

[...] May the Lord fill you with joy in the work that God is doing in your children and the grace that is in your wife’s life that she would serve another while she is in need!

I will pray that the Holy Spirit would fill you with peace in the knowledge of the Father’s Love and the gift of His Son Jesus Christ.


Thank you for asking...we love to pray for you and your family. 

I was praying for you this morning, as my devotions led me through Psalm 6:3, “My soul also is greatly troubled.  But you, O LORD,--how long?”...David goes on to write, “The LORD has heard the sound of my weeping.  The LORD has heard my plea; the LORD accepts my prayer.”

I will be praying for you, that you find grace to cast your cares on the Lord.  It is no small challenge to bear what you are bearing, so pour out your heart to God...daily.  And we’ll pray for that peace which transcends understanding to come and to guard your heart and mind.  That Philippians 4 passage commands us to pray “supplications with thanksgiving”.  As I was praying for you this morning, I was also thanking God for the salvation you have, the doctors he’s given you, the godliness in your kids, the support of your wife...

Keep pouring out your heart to God, with thanksgiving, comforting your mind with his consistent faithfulness.

Small reminder, but I hope it encourages you. Love ya brother and I am praying.


We feel the same, bro - and specific requests like this help us to direct our prayers, so thanks for that!

A few verses that came to mind for you---though familiar, I trust they are no less encouraging:

From Isaiah 40:27-31 [He placed emphasis on the first two lines of 31]

From Philippians 4:6-9 [He placed emphasis on 6 and the end of 9] 

God Himself renews our strength, guards our hearts and minds, and is with us.  What a faithful high priest we have, who is able to sympathize with us in our weaknesses (Heb 4:14-16) and has compassion on us, for He knows how we are made, and remembers that we are dust (Psalm 103:13-14). 

Praying for you with faith and joy, my friend. 


I’m praying for you pains me to hear the burden you and Helen are carrying and I so wish there was more I could do to bear it with you.  You’d let me know, right? 

Isaiah 26:3-4 has always been a place where I find strength and grace to continue to trust when anxious or fearful.  Our God, Jehovah, is our Rock and will keep us in perfect peace as we keep our minds fixed on Him.  It’s understandable that you find yourself anxious about circumstances but as you keep your gaze fixed on your Heavenly Father you’ll find yourself less inclined to worry.

It’s good to worship a God who is greater than you brother and haven’t stopped praying for you.


I'll be praying for you my friend.  For me, I find I can be anxious about everything and know that it is only the grace of God that He protects my mind from going down trails.  I'll pray that for you - that you'll experience extended times of not thinking about it!


Not the quickest response to your email but my family and I have been regularly praying for you.  In fact, I read your prayer request to my family at the end of our dinner the night I first received it and we all took the opportunity to pray for you at that time.  My whole family just loves you and your family. [...]  In any case, as one who has had his share of various scans, I have a pretty good idea as to how you are processing your upcoming scan.  The battle for me was right between my ears and basically it was a trust issue as to whether God will really supply the grace needed to get me through.  Your upcoming scan is not outside of the circle of God's Grace.  Now a couple of verses that I found helpful.  Luke 12:22-31.  What I got from this, is that my needs had always been met in the past and that I had enough for today.  But there was always that uneasy dread that tomorrow my well may run dry. However my imagined thirst of tomorrow, even though my well is full today, was one thirst that was unquenchable.  The imaginary need of tomorrow is one need that God can not meet. However, his Grace will be sufficient to meet you in your time of need. (Heb 4:16). Two other verses that were comforting to me are; Isaiah 26:3 and Psalm 62:5-8. I am sure you are familiar with these verses but I encourage you to continue preaching them to yourself so when Satan comes to try to tell you that God is not enough, you can proclaim the word of God and take away his sting. I won't kid you Matt, you are not in an easy battle. Some days I fought a good fight and others days I gave into Satan’s lies and wallowed in worry and anxiety.  I will continue to be fervently praying for you. God bless you brother. I am here for you and your family so please do keep me posted on how you are doing.


This is a favorite of mine from Calvin on Psalm 12:6, a psalm by David written in the fires of adversity:

There is no truth which is more generally received among men than that God is true; but there are a few who frankly give him credit for this when they are in adversity. It is, therefore, highly necessary for us to cut off the occasion of our distrust; and whenever any doubt respecting the faithfulness of God’s promises steal in upon us, we ought immediately to lift up against it this shield, that the words of the Lord are pure.”

Thank you for being among the few who give God credit in adversity. In moments of temptation today, may you find grace “cut off the occasion (reason/cause) of your distrust” and to lift up the shield of faith.  All of your God and Savior’s words are pure, all of his promises are true for you.



Want to update all who've uplifted Helen and I through the last couple of weeks (and I KNOW year or two in reality). The scan was clean for which we are grateful, of course. But had it not been our hearts were prepared and ready to go forward in the knowledge that God is on the throne and "every square inch" is under His control. The purposes for some of these things are now cloudy and hard to understand, but in the end they will be demonstrated to have been for His glory. As we had some precious time talking yesterday, we both realized that walking through this has been for our good. 1 Peter 4:12 says that we are not to "be surprised..." if our faith is tested, the end result is that we are grown. Hebrews tells us that Jesus is the Author and Perfecter of our faith. Well the Author that started the work determined that Matt was a weak Christian that needed to grow through the use of trial. :) That is the blunt fact of the matter. I consider this small trial a true gift as it is a faith strengthening exercise that I would NOT GROW in specific ways without.

Anyway, the real update I want to send is that your prayers were incredibly effective! There was no stress or tension the last two weeks leading up to this MRI. Some of the side effects that I was carrying dropped away. I was considering calling the Dr. to get a prescription for a medication for something to help and by God's grace through your prayer did not have to.

Thanks so much,


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